Tips to Improving Screen Clarity

Here are some tips to help improve the clarity of your experience in Immersed.

Note: you won't be able to get 4K clarity if your headset doesn't support it!

  • Find the sweet spot for your eyes. Adjust the IPD and lens alignment: left, right, up, down, distance, and tilt. Work at it one eye at a time, and walk it in. Pixels are not evenly distributed — the highest density is right in the middle of the sweet spot, mimicking the acuity of the fovea. Here you can learn how to adjust your IPD.
  • Aim for pixel parity: a virtual screen is a picture of a picture, meaning the headset’s resolution and pixel density are the limiting factors. The closer a virtually rendered screen’s pixel density is to the headset’s, the sharper the picture will be. The Quest 2 is 1832x1920/eye (Vive Focus 3 is 2448²/eye) — displays can be larger than that, but will look best if the maximum visible portion is closest to 1:1.
  • “Large & far” screens are more comfortable than “small & close” for an equivalent field of view — it takes the same amount of visual space, but is far more relaxed for the eyes owing to the difference in convergence point.
  • If you wear corrective lenses, invest in some for the headset such as the Reloptix - Use `Immersed2024` for 10% off!